POSTPONED SMB-meeting; Patient-driven innovation

Date: May 19, 2022
Registration: 15:30
Program: 16:00-17:00 hrs (+ networking, drinks & bites)
Location: Novio Tech Campus Nijmegen, building M, Meet&Greet area
Healthcare is a peoples business. Keeping the patient not just in the center of the attention of innovation but also as a co-driver in your development process of is of paramount importance. But still, all too often businesses forget to involve patients in the core of their innovations and pay for this mistake in the end.
Our SMB meeting of May 19 focuses on some best practices on how to involve patients.
First speaker is Erik Verkaar from Zorgbelang, an organisation helping others to involve patients in their processes. He will inform us not just how to deal with empowered patients but also patients with low health and literacy capabilities. Our second speaker, Chris van den Brink, is researcher & patient ambassador for Enzyre. Enzyre develops near patient diagnostics for blood coagulation. Chris will talk about the importance of developing from the perspective of how the patient will use the technology in real live. And last but not least, Concha van Rijssel will talk about how Radboudumc Innovation Labs has created an innovation process really incorporating the involvement of the patients view.
We will conclude the event with networking, drinks & bites. 
Live event
This event will be organized in a live setting at Novio Tech Campus in Nijmegen (building M, Mee&Greet area). A few days before the event we will send an email with practical information on directions/parking (sender = You might have to check your spam box.
Good to know
Presentations are in English & the entrance is free (registration upfront is needed though). We welcome new guests, so please feel free to pass on this invitation to relevant people in your network!
We look forward to meet you!

The monthly meetings Science Meets Business aim to connect people and exchange knowledge in the world of science and business.

Look back: Innoboot 2022

Innoboot is our annual seminar organized by Briskr, Radboud University, RadboudUMC and the HAN. This year the theme was about the disruptive effects that AI has in the most important economic clusters in the region: Health, High Tech and Energy.

The first keynote was from Marcel van Gerven, Professor at Radboud University with the title “Brain inspired computing”. At Donders Institute, a cooperation between Radboud University and RadboudUMC, they try to learn from the human brain and translate this into advanced and more versatile AI approaches. Our brain is not a brute force machine (we would not be able to supply the energy) but has advanced approaches to predict and follow-up on the best paths. This research leads to more promising algorithms as well as better suited hardware, for example devices that help blind people see though a camera and feeding the brain with signals through implants.

We organized parallel sessions for each cluster:


Energy grids (electrical, but also heat networks, etc.) are rapidly becoming more complex and instable. Tackling the challenges involved requires the application of advanced data-driven technologies, with AI as a spearhead. In practice, even seemingly small interventions can have a big impact on efficiency, sustainability and robustness of energy networks. Such interventions are increasingly possible ánd needed in real time: immediate response based on information from many sensors, smart meters and human-centred controls. The challenges are not only technical: data availability and quality also involve organisational and individual involvement and commitment. The related human capital challenges include education of data-knowledgeable professionals, beyond IT and data experts alone.


At Radboudumc a large research project on Parkinsons disease is underway together with Verily, a Google subsidiary that has developed a “watch” with 8 monitoring sensors. These sensors are used to find “digital biomarkers” by interpreting the raw data with AI. By realtime tracking of the Radboudumc parkinson cohort and using Verily data as a control group they will be able to monitor changes in health in realtime and adapt treatment. Next to the functional possibilities a project like this also shows that privacy by design is an important element in the setup of such a project.

High Tech

Will AI ultimately lead to ‘lights out factories’ without any human activity? This question was raised by ASMPT in the high tech sector. It is clear that at this moment the challenge is to create smart factories, combining human intelligence and artificial intelligence. AI has great potential for predictive maintenance and mobile robots, and can also be used to process large amounts of data (images) for quality control purposes. Machine2Learn, a Radboud University spin-off specialized in vision and inspection, works closely together with ASMPT. They also showed the importance of sharing knowledge between different sectors: next to innovations in high tech, they also work on applications in e.g. the chemical, agricultural, cultural and heath sector.

The final keynote was from Catholijn Jonker, professor at TU delft who addressed the ethical use of AI. As all technologies AI can be used for good or for bad, so how do we incorporate ethics from the start? For example, do we design cars to save the driver at all costs or do we save the pedestrians in case of a likely collision? An important approach is to design hybrid systems where the humans still have meaningful control over outcomes. Understanding why the system behaves as it does is important as well as reflection on it’s actions (are the outcomes acceptable from a broader standpoint).

In between the talks there were pitches on several AI projects in Nijmegen and Arnhem: Cook3r on the use of AI to help people with dementia with cooking, CITC on using AI to come up with better design and packaging solutions, Radboud University on how to use AI in identifying victims based on DNA information. The last pitch explained how we also should realise that AI often uses large amounts of computing power and thus energy use.

All in all interesting presentations and discussions on the forward looking research taking place in our region. We hope to see you all at Innoboot 2023!

Innoboot 2022

Date: April 19th
Time: 13:30-17:00 hrs (doors open at 13:00)
Location: Meet&Greet, Building M, Novio Tech Campus

Artificial intelligence is one of the most important driving forces in innovation at this moment, especially in specialised domains. AI is in some cases better than the radiologist or pathologist to diagnose cancer in medical images. Machine learning helps to forecast quality issues in chips manufacturing. And in energy AI helps us save energy by better predictions of the need for heating.
During this event we will discuss how AI is changing the most important economic clusters of the Arnhem-Nijmegen region: Health, High Tech and Energy. With key notes from Marcel van Gerven and Catholijn Jonker, short pitches from both science and business and two rounds of parallel sessions that will look at the subject from a Health, High Tech and Energy point of view.

Click here to enlarge the program
Detailed information on the presentations and parallel sessions will follow soon on this eventpage.
Live event
We look forward to host a physical meeting at Novio Tech Campus in Nijmegen with networking, drinks & bites afterwards.
Good to know
Presentations are in English & the entrance is free (registration upfront is needed though). We welcome new guests, so please feel free to pass on this invitation to relevant people in your network!
A few days before the event we will send an email from with more detailed info on the event, directions and parking instructions (you might need to check your spam box).
We look forward to meet you!

Registration is not possible anymore, but you are welcom to join us! Trouble finding us? Contact Marion on 0611701353

The monthly meetings Science Meets Business aim to connect people and exchange knowledge in the world of science and business.

Health Valley Event 15-16-17 March ’22

After the success of previous editions, Health Valley Event 2022 in Nijmegen will be
bigger and more international than ever. We are setting up a live three-day program that will also be accessible online. The edition on 15, 16 and 17 March will focus on connect, challenge and grow! Experience the latest trends and developments in Life Science & Health. Be inspired, challenged and surprised. Will you join us?


Profiling & sponsoring

Interested in presenting your business or organisation on our dynamic exhibition floor or want to make use of our profiling options at HVE in another way? Check our wide range of promotional opportunities.

In short, Health Valley Event 2022 is an absolute must! For more information go to

‘Innovative technology for improved eating behavior’

Yesterday’s SMB meeting on ‘Innovative technology for improved eating behavior’ was co-created by OnePlanet.

Thea Kemenade of Oneplanet informed us that nutrition & health is one of their focus points. OnePlanet collects data in all kinds of ways and with innovative tools. Their research projects are done from Radboud University and Wageningen University and they collaborate closely with entrepreneurs, education & iMEC. All focused on: How technology can contribute to a better and healthier lifestyle?

Sander Hermsen from OnePlanet Research Center informed us on their studies with regards to Motivational feedback for behavioral change. When does feedback motivate? And when do we act upon it?

As we want to connect Science to Business during our meetings. The next big question is: What can companies do with this data? And how can they improve their innovations with it? That’s what Femke de Gooijer and Edgar Schwandt old us.

Femke works for Wageningen University and is involved in the project Vinn de Smart Tray, which is an automated food intake and eating behavior assessment method.

Salut started in 2019. Their mission is to make people live 5 years longer in good health. They have now developed a website and app for this purpose. In the future, they are going to create a platform and wearables. What is the right diet for me? How much should I exercise? All tailored to the individual based on individual data.

During this meeting, it became clear that there are unlimited possibilities for gaining and using data to gain a healthier lifestyle. Companies can join OnePlanet to use these studies in the development of their own innovations.

You can find the presentations here.

SMB-meeting with OnePlanet; Innovative technology for improved eating behavior 

Date: February 24
Time: 16:00-17:00 hrs (login 15:55)
Location: Online
Registration is closed, but you can login via this link:
Join Zoom meeting
Passcode: 24022022 (= event date)
Imagine that elderly people received tailor-made care and nutritional advice with the help of innovative technology? 
Behavior scientists and data scientists from OnePlanet Research Center, nutritionists and SMEs are working together in the “INtoEAT” project to achieve just that! This integrated approach makes it possible to solve complex issues with a real eye for the needs of the end-users. Because the application is not just successful if the tech works.
Can it actually be used for the targeted audience? Is the advice understandable? Do people trust it? The applications must be user-friendly and it is important that healthcare providers can view relevant data for patients, taking into account the privacy and wishes of the user. What if we integrate technology and nutrition coaching into every-day products in elderly care facilities?
Together with Sander Hermsen (behavioral Scientist), Femke de Gooijer (project INtoEAT and smart tray) and Edgar Schwandt (INtoEAT: lifestyle app), we zoom further into the topics of eating, technology and behavior.
Sander explains some of the issues regarding the adaptation of technology and lifestyle changes. Femke introduces the INtoEAT smart tray! Edgar Schwandt gives us some more insights into how a targeted lifestyle app can help elderly in their preventive health issues and simultaneously shares his insights into how the collaboration is helping Salut to include tech solutions in their lifestyle supporting apps.
OnePlanet Research Center is a multidisciplinary collaboration between Wageningen University & Research (WUR), Radboud University, Radboudumc and nano-technology world-player imec.Three years into the collaboration, Director of Health, nutrition and behavior Thea van Kemenade, visits SMB to update us on their progress in the development of innovative tech for preventive health and their collaborations with SMEs in the region.
16:00 Short introduction by SMB
Thea van Kemenade (OnePlanet) on progress in the development of innovative tech for preventive health and their collaborations with
SMEs in the region
Sander Hermsen (OnePlanet) on motivational feedback for behavioral change
Femke de Gooijer (WUR) on INtoEAT: Smart tray
Edgar Schwandt (Salut) on INtoEAT: Salut Senior
17:00 Wrapping up
For those interested, we will conclude the event with the opportunity for online networking where you will be placed randomly in a Zoom room.
Online event
This event will be streamed online. A login link will be provided by email a few days before the event. The sender will be, you might have to check your spam.
Good to know
Presentations are in English & the entrance is free (registration upfront is needed though). We welcome new guests, so please feel free to pass on this invitation to relevant people in your network!
We look forward to e-meet you!
The monthly meetings Science Meets Business aim to connect people and exchange knowledge in the world of science and business.

Werksessie Smart Together

Digitalisering speelt een grote rol voor ondernemingen in het klaarstomen voor de toekomst. Een efficiëntere organisatie resulteert in een verhoging van de arbeidsproductiviteit en de omzet. In dit programma werken MKB ondernemingen in de regio Arnhem Nijmegen samen aan het toekomstbestendig maken van hun bedrijven door de inzet van digitalisering. Uitwisseling van ervaringen met andere MKB-ers in uiteenlopende sectoren en inspiratie van experts zorgen voor inzicht in je eigen organisatie. Samen werken we gericht aan jouw onderneming.

Voor wie?

Dit programma is gericht op MKB ondernemingen in de regio Arnhem Nijmegen met 10 tot 100 medewerkers in dienst. Ben je bereid in een vaste groep van 6 tot 10 MKB bedrijven openhartig te zijn over wat er goed gaat in jouw bedrijf, en wat beter kan? Wil je als ondernemer jouw netwerk vergroten ook buiten je eigen sector? Ben je gemotiveerd om 5 middagen te besteden aan het verzamelen van ideeën die in jouw onderneming toepasbaar zijn? Dan ben jij geschikt!

De grote mate van kennisuitwisseling, aandacht voor jouw specifieke probleem en goede begeleiding van experts zorgt er voor dat jouw onderneming straks klaar is voor de toekomst!

Wanneer en waar?

De eerste werksessie organiseren we in Arnhem op Industriepark Kleefse Waard zowel fysiek te bezoeken als online te volgen. Deze werksessie is op 24 maart 2022, van 15:30 tot 18:00, daarna is er iedere 2 maanden weer een mogelijkheid om in te stromen, check de kalender voor alle data.

Meer informatie via deze link.

Governments, education and entrepreneurs join forces in the Arnhem Nijmegen region

Read more in Dutch:

De 18 gemeenten van de Groene Metropoolregio Arnhem-Nijmegen, provincie Gelderland en The Economic Board willen de kracht van de regio beter benutten. De partijen hebben een Bestuursakkoord en een Investeringsagenda opgesteld, waarmee zij zich langdurig inzetten om de regio te versterken. De komende tien jaar moet deze regio doorgroeien tot een internationale topregio in Health, Hightech en Energy, in balans met de groene kwaliteiten.

Gedeputeerde Peter Kerris: ‘De regio Arnhem Nijmegen is het groene hart van de Gelderse economie. Met het bestuursakkoord slaan overheden, onderwijs en ondernemers de handen ineen om de kracht van de regio nog beter te benutten’.

Europese Topregio

De regio wil doorgroeien tot een topregio die economisch tot de best presterende regio’s van Nederland hoort en internationaal bekend staat als dé circulaire regio van Nederland en Europa.

Ahmed Marcouch, voorzitter The Economic Board: ‘We ontwikkelen in onze regio baanbrekende toepassingen op gebied van schone energie, betere zorg, duurzaamheid en sociale Artificial Intelligence. Daarmee kunnen we bijdragen aan de grote maatschappelijke opgaven en tegelijkertijd aan de productiviteit en werkgelegenheid waardoor onze regio een nog aantrekkelijkere plek wordt om te werken en wonen.’

Concreet activiteitenplan

De afspraken om de regio te versterken zijn vastgelegd in het Bestuursakkoord

en de Investeringsagenda Regio Arnhem-Nijmegen 2022. Het is de basis voor langdurig commitment (tien jaar) aan de gezamenlijke ambities. Dit bestuursakkoord vervangt het akkoord dat de gemeente Arnhem, de gemeente Nijmegen en de provincie Gelderland in 2017 hebben ondertekend.

Hubert Bruls, voorzitter van de Groene Metropoolregio Arnhem-Nijmegen: ‘We verheugen ons op de vernieuwde samenwerking. Ik hoop en verwacht dat ook het nieuwe kabinet inzet op onze regio, zodat wij dit allemaal voor elkaar kunnen krijgen. We hebben een visie en een concreet activiteitenplan, maar we hebben het Rijk daar wel bij nodig. Dan kunnen we verder innoveren, gekwalificeerd personeel opleiden, omscholen en aantrekken en de komende jaren 60.000 woningen bouwen met behoud van onze groene omgeving.’


In de investeringsagenda maken de Groene Metropoolregio, de provincie en The Economic Board afspraken over hoe zij, zowel financieel als niet-financieel, bijdragen aan de gezamenlijke ambitie voor de regio. Naast financiering voor concrete projecten zetten de deelnemende gemeenten 4 miljoen euro in voor de uitvoering van initiatieven en programma’s. Provincie Gelderland heeft de intentie om deze financiële bijdrage van de gemeenten te verdubbelen. De provincie weegt per initiatief af hoe het project bijdraagt aan de provinciale doelen en bepaalt haar bijdrage aan de hand daarvan. Naast geld zetten de partijen ook tijd en capaciteit in. Met de financiële bijdrage die is opgenomen in de investeringsagenda hoopt men andere partijen te verleiden om ook in deze regio te investeren.


Het Bestuursakkoord is 3 februari ondertekend bij Connectr in Arnhem door Peter Kerris (Provincie Gelderland), Ahmed Marcouch (The Economic Board) en Hubert Bruls (Groene Metropoolregio).

Look back at the SMB meeting: the role of keeping our healthcare system healthy

This SMB meeting was about the role of keeping our healthcare system healthy, in all aspects.

Remco Hoogendijk of the Sint Maartenskliniek started the first presentation and talked about their MaaS project and the online environment that has been created for patients to follow and plan their own care and treatments. Remco expects that care will become increasingly virtual, including appointments.

Angelique Moonen of VIGO Group focused on the ‘Wicked problems in healthcare’; Long waiting lists, long waits for surgery and the shortage of professionals. At the same time, patients only expect more from professionals. In order to actually implement digital innovations, things need to change! Vigo Group is happy to start a change and has created a new Platform Ecosystem, where people work on their mental health and mental resilience themselves and can get a better match with the professionals.

E-Health specialist Ruben de Neef from Luscii talked about unlocking the power of patients. With Florence Nightingale as an inspiration to approach the condition of a patient from a different point of view. Luscii can be a virtual member in your care team, an extra team member. Luscii notices things in the home of the patient and sees different things than the doctor in the hospital sees. There is already a large library in this tool with 40 pathways to follow, developed by doctors and nurses for the patient. And the possibilities are endless for further digital development in the future.

Gert-Jan de Brok, co-founder of InMotion VR is very fond of games and technology. So their motto is: Let’s play to heal. They use Corpus VR for the rehabilitation of a patient. As many people already use wearables with sensors, they can reach a large audience and it’s very cost & time efficient. Gamification is fun, which is why it works better than traditional methods of physiotherapy.

Finally, we were updated on the Digital Health Hub by Tom van de Belt and Floor van de Watering. Tom started the presentation with a digital health ecosystem analysis of our region. Floor van de Watering adds: Healthcare professionals encounter problems that they do not communicate efficiently to innovative organisations. And on the other hand companies develop innovations that the healthcare sector does not need or see as a problem. And for some problems the solution might already be available in a completely different market (e.g. planning tools for distribution).

The digital health Hub will fill this gap and bring the right parties together, so that relevant innovations can be made and the pressure on healthcare can be relieved with the help of digital innovations. It will be a great, but rewarding challenge for the future to work on this together!

We thank all the speakers for their interesting contributions to this SMB meeting about digital health!

The role of digital health in keeping our health system financially, socially, and environmentally sustainable (online)

Date: January 27th
Login: 15:45
Time: 16:00-17:00 hrs (+ online networking)
Location: Online

Without interventions 1 in 4 people will work in healthcare in 2040 (compared to 1 in 7 now). And even these days it is already hardly sustainable in terms of people and costs. The inevitable conclusion is that we need to improve productivity not by working harder but by working smarter. This is possible with the help of Digital Health innovations.
During the covid pandemic, digital health innovations have been increasingly used for virtual care and self-management. There was a clear shift from digital health innovations as ‘a potential opportunity’ to ‘an immediate necessity’. Since digital health innovations hold the potential to further improve the efficiency, accessibility and quality of care such as by reducing workload and fewer travel movements, the question is how we can accelerate implementation. Not only during this pandemic, but also when the pandemic comes under control.
How can the healthcare ecosystem retain added value from digital health innovations? How can the ecosystem start new collaborations that result in better digital health innovations?
So how do we improve productivity overall whilst increasing quality? In the SMB meeting on January 27 two care organisations and two health companies will explain how they deal with digital health innovation. Moreover, Tom van de Belt (Digital Health Ambassador Nijmegen & Radboudumc) and Floor van de Watering (OostNL) will present their plans for the digital health hub, an initiative with the aim to improve healthcare through cooperation between health organizations and health companies.
Welcome by Martijn Kriens from Briskr
Maartenskliniek (Remco Hoogendijk)
Vigo groep (Angelique Moonen)
InMotionVR (Gert-Jan Brok)
Luscii (Ronald Scheffer)
Digital Health Hub (Tom van de Belt, Radboudumc & Floor van de Watering, Oost NL)
Questions & wrap up
For those interested, we will conclude the event with the opportunity for online networking where you will be placed randomly in a Zoom room. 
Online event
This event will be streamed online. A login link will be provided by email a few days before the event. 
Good to know
Presentations are in English & the entrance is free (registration upfront is needed though). We welcome new guests, so please feel free to pass on this invitation to relevant people in your network!
We look forward to e-meet you!
Click here to register
The monthly meetings Science Meets Business aim to connect people and exchange knowledge in the world of science and business.