Presentaties Improving Life Quality (SMB bijeenkomst 25-02-2016) beschikbaar

De SMB bijeenkomst van 25 februari j.l. werd goed ontvangen door de meer dan 100 bezoekers. De reacties ‘inspirerend’ en ‘nuttig’ werden veelvuldig gebruikt. De netwerkborrel daarna werd goed benut, ook door de aanwezige studenten van de Radboud Universiteit!

Klik hier voor de presentaties.

foto frankfoto henriette (uitsnede ms)










Volgende SMB bijeenkomst (tijdens Health Valley Event): 17 maart 2016

Science Meets Business: Improving Quality of Life


Date: Thursday February, 25, 2016
Time: 16:00-19:00 hrs
Location: Novio Tech Campus, in the SMB Meet & Greet, building M, Transistorweg 5 Nijmegen (directions)

Theme: “Improving Life Quality”

After a succesful Science Meets Business event in January with more than 130 participants, we continue the series with Frank Halfwerk (Thorax Centre Twente) and Henriëtte Valster (HCM Medical), who will present a casus of a sustainable solution to an unmet need from Cardiology. Followed by inspiring pitches by students from Radboud Faculty of Science.


Frank R. Halfwerk MD Msc (Thorax Centrum Twente, Enschede)

  “Technology for Cardiac Surgery: Follow your heart, use your head”

Henriëtte Valster (CEO HCM Medical)

  “Improving Life Quality”

Pitches students Radboud Faculty of Science, course Panorama Science

Presentations are in English and the entrance is free. We welcome new guests, so please feel free to pass on this invitation to relevant people in your network!

We are looking forward to meeting you on February 25th! Please register before February 22nd.

The monthly meetings Science Meets Businessaim to connect people and exchange knowledge in the world of science and business.