Science Meets Business meeting and BBQ: Sharing experiences and challenges


Date:            Thursday June 30, 2016
Time:           16:30-20:00 hrs (doors open at 16:00 hrs.)
Location:     Novio Tech Campus, in the SMB Meet & Greet, building M,
Transistorweg 5 Nijmegen (directions)

Theme: “Sharing experiences and challenges”

After yet another successful Science Meets Business season, we will conclude the pre-summer series with pitches by new Novio Tech Campus companies. Today 40 companies are based at Novio Tech Campus, including 19 startups supported by the SMB regional stimulation program sponsored by EFRO/Gelderland. During this Science Meets Business meeting several of these companies will pitch their business. They will present their business proposition, their challenges and their needs. Afterwards you are more than welcome to join us for the annual BBQ, sponsored by Kadans Science Partner.

16:00 hrs        Registration & Welcome
16:30              Pitches companies Novio Tech Campus
17:45-20:00    BBQ Kadans Science Partner

The entrance is free and we welcome new guests, so please feel free to pass on this invitation to relevant people in your network!

We are looking forward to meeting you on June 30th, please register before June 27 th.

The monthly meetings Science Meets Business aim to connect people and exchange knowledge in the world of science and business.

Inschrijving geopend voor Themamiddag Organ-on-a-Chip (8 sept. 2016)

De kosten voor het in de markt brengen van een nieuw medicijn bedragen circa 2,5 miljard USD. Daarnaast is het mede door wet- en regelgeving complex om nieuwe medicijnen te vinden én vrij te geven. Hoe kunnen Organ-on-a-Chip systemen helpen in de ontwikkeling van nieuwe medicijnen? Op 8 september 2016 organiseert Holland Innovative in samenwerking met OOC-manufacturing de zevende editie van HighTech meets Health op Novio Tech Campus in Nijmegen.

Modelsystemen waarbij meerdere weefselsoorten tegelijk getest worden in zogenaamde Organ-on-a-Chip systemen zijn beschikbaar, maar bijna uitsluitend in prototypes en proof of principle. Het verder testen en vrijgeven voor toelating van dit soort systemen in cel- en weefselpreparatie is de laatste jaren sterk verbeterd. De methoden om een labsysteem te bouwen met hierin leverweefsel, longweefsel of hartspierweefsel op een chip liggen eigenlijk op de plank te wachten op de juiste vraag vanuit de gebruikers.

Welke producten én toepassingen van Organ-on-a-Chip systemen kunnen kankeronderzoek verbeteren? Waarmee kunnen technologiebedrijven diagnostiek en onderzoek binnen Oncologie ondersteunen? Tijdens deze editie van HighTech meets Health gaan we dieper in op deze vragen en laten we key technologie bedrijven kennismaken met vooraanstaande onderzoekers en beslissers uit de wereld van de diagnostiek en onderzoek binnen Oncologie.

Laat u deze dag inspireren door specialisten op dit vakgebied en ga na de lezingen samen op zoek naar toepassingen voor in uw eigen organisatie tijdens een interactieve workshop. Het definitieve programma wordt binnenkort bekend gemaakt. Zorg dat u erbij bent. Schrijf nu in, het aantal plaatsen is beperkt.

organ-on-a-chip 8-9-16


Datum: Donderdag 8 september 2016
Tijd: 12.30-18.00
Locatie: Novio Tech Campus, Nijmegen.
Kosten: €95,- (excl. BTW) per deelnemer
Klik hier om aan te melden




Corporate Venturing Network: Meeting the Hub at Novio Tech Campus

On Friday June 10, 2016 Corporate Venturing Network (CVN) organized the meeting ‘Meeting the Hub’ at Novio Tech Campus in close cooperation with SMB Life Sciences and Health Valley. Regional hubs are an important stakeholder in the joint creation of successful ecosystems and the objective of this CVN meeting was to get a better understanding of how corporates, startups and hubs can join forces and strengthen each other. 40 participants learned about the healthtech and lifescience ecosystem and its players at Novio Tech Campus. Several stakeholders pitched their view followed by interactive round table discussions.

Logo CVNCVN is an informal network of senior representatives, sharing their best practices, developing mutual new business opportunities, establishing an open innovation ecosystem and encourage entrepreneurship.

Members of CVN are (R&D intensive) companies from the Netherlands (e.g. Philips, DSM,ASML, Fuji Healtcare) and neighbouring countries active in corporate venturing and open innovation.


Veiling projecten Rijk van Nijmegen 2025 op Novio Tech Campus

Op donderdag 9 juni ontvingen wij de stuurgroep van ‘Rijk van Nijmegen 2025’ op Novio Tech Campus. Het doel van deze avond was om te zorgen dat alle uitgekozen projecten uit de regio’s een kartrekker/eigenaar zouden krijgen. Onderstaande film die alle eerdere dialoogsessies wervelend samenvatte opende de avond. Daarna was het tijd voor de echte veiling onder leiding van Ronald Migo. In een kring zaten alle aanwezigen dicht op het vuur en konden ze bieden op een project. Ook Novio Tech Campus is i.s.m. Radboudumc afdeling Valorisatie, een project aangegaan.


Nederlandse Scheikunde- en Natuurkunde Olympiade

Woensdag 15 juni bezochten de 20 beste leerlingen voor de Nederlandse scheikunde- en natuurkunde Olympiade de Novio Tech Campus. Zij kwamen vanuit Soeterbeeck waar zij de hele week zijn geweest om toetsen te maken om de allerbeste van Nederland te kunnen worden op het gebied van scheikunde en natuurkunde.

Na een inspirerende introductie en presentatie gingen de leerlingen met een rondleiding langs Lead Pharma, Pharmacytics en tot slot Rockstart. Om ook nog zelf aan de slag te gaan heeft Diego van TeamScope nog een unieke marshmallow challenge uitgewerkt waar de leerlingen fanatiek mee aan de slag gingen. Voor de lunch vertrokken ze naar Radboudumc waar de prijswinnaars bekend werden gemaakt.

160615 Scheikunde olympiade










Invitation CVN meeting on June 10, 2016; Meeting the Hub

It is our pleasure to invite you to the next CVN meeting on Friday June 10th, 2016 at Novio Tech Campus in Nijmegen. The theme is: Meeting the Hub. Regional Hubs are an important stakeholder in co-creation of successful ecosystems. The objective of this CVN is to get a better understanding of how corporates, startups and hubs can join forces and strengthen each other.

Members of CVN are (R&D intensive) corporations from the Netherlands and neighbouring countries active in corporate venturing and open innovation. CVN is an informal network of senior representatives, sharing their knowledge and experiences around open innovation and corporate business development; moreover developing mutual new business opportunities.

Date:             June 10, 2016
Time:             12:00 –  17:00 hrs
Venue:           Novio Tech Campus, Transistorweg 5, 6534 AT Nijmegen


During this CVN meeting you will learn more about the health tech and life science ecosystem and its players. A large part of the agenda will be dedicated to the role of the regional hubs. Several stakeholders will pitch their view followed by interactive round table discussions.

12.00 – 12.30    Walk-in and registration (lunch is available)
12.30 – 14.00    Welcome and Introduction of Science Meets Business (John Schalken) and of Health Valley (Victor Haze) followed by a tour of the Novio Tech Campus
14.00 – 14:45    How to improve the collaboration between Corporates, HUBs and startups (pitches by the different stakeholders)
14:45 – 15.30    Round Table discussions
15.30 – 16.00    Plenary: main take-aways
16.00 – 16.30    CVN topics
16.30 – 17.00    Drinks & Networking

Good news for SPL Medical !


The venture b.e. imaging GmbH, part of the Bender Gruppe GmbH, located in Baden-Baden, Germany, and SPL Medical B.V., located in Nijmegen, The Netherlands, have signed an exclusive License and Distribution Agreement for the marketing of Combidex® (Ferumoxtran-10), a contrast-agent for the detection of cancer metastasis in the lymph nodes using MR imaging, in Germany, Switzerland and Austria. In addition b.e. imaging will invest in SPL Medical and will become a shareholder of the Dutch company from June 1, 2016, alongside the Radboud University Medical Center (Radboudumc).

SPL Medical, which has been incorporated in August 2015 as a spin-off of the Radboudumc in Nijmegen, is devoted to increase the accuracy of cancer diagnostics. Its product, Combidex®, together with MR imaging, can detect cancer metastases in the lymph nodes even of 2mm in size. This means that such cancer metastases can be detected much earlier and that the requisite therapy can be much more precise and increases patients’ quality of life significantly. This saves lives and reduces treatment costs. One of SPL Medical’s milestones is to start the registration process of Combidex® in Europe and other key regions at the beginning of 2017.

“We are very excited and fortunate to have such a promising collaboration with b.e. imaging. b.e. imaging has many years of experience in the distribution and marketing of special products for the Radiology and Urology market in Germany, Switzerland and Austria. Their knowledge of the contrast-media market and their strong commercial capabilities will strength SPL Medical and will further support its efforts to bring Combidex® to patients as soon as possible”, says Mr. Ari Aminetzah, CEO of SPL Medical.

“We at the Bender Group are convinced that we have found with SPL an ideal partner to complete successfully the developing process of Ferumoxtran-10. This substance will help to improve oncological MRI-diagnostics. As a manufacturer of generic but also highly innovative contrast media, we will continuously broaden our portfolio with products and solutions dedicated to fulfill our customers’ needs to improve efficiency and patient care. Just with our first proprietary innovation product, LumiVision® – Der LiquidKontrast (the only commercially available oral MR product for MRCP and abdominal imaging), we are eager to bring innovation and improved care to our clients with Ferumoxtran-10”, says Dr. Jürgen Feuerstein, Managing Director of b.e. imaging.

“The collaboration between b.e. imaging and SPL Medical is a great example for the efforts that the Radboudumc is deploying to bring its innovative technology to patients through spin-off ventures that, in turn, interact and collaborate with other corporations and research institutes worldwide. The aim of the Radboudumc is to have a significant impact on health care. We do it in many ways. SPL Medical is a great example of how a diagnostic solution with a high value for cancer patients can find its way to the global market”, says Dr. Dirkjan Masman, Chairman of the Board of SPL Medical and the Director of the Valorization Department at the Radboudumc.

Logo Bender gruppe Logo SPL