SMB-meeting From Molecule to Business 2023

Date: May 25
Time: 13:30-17:00 hrs (doors open at 13:00)
Location: Meet&Greet, Building M, Noviotech Campus

Speeding up the development process

Development of new medicines is a lengthy and laborious process. The time it takes from initial discovery of a working molecule to treating a patient is more than 10 years and more than 2,5 billion dollars. Just the clinical phase takes up more than 7 years in this process. If you are lucky… This long development and approval process is not only extremely expensive but also leads to a much slower adaptation of new treatments.

At this moment there are a lot of new approaches to speeding up the development process of new drugs. From parallelization of development, AI to select the best candidates, organs on a chip or even detailed digital twins to calculate the effects of molecules on humans before they are really applied in reality.

The Molecule2Business 2023 event will dive into new approaches to speed up the process of bringing new pharmaceuticals to the market.

With keynotes from:
Nettie Buitelaar, director of Biotech Booster and Friso Smit, director of Oncode-PACT foundation. And parallel sessions on the state of art in the different stages of drug development (discovery, pre-clinical, and clinical).

We look forward to meeting you on May 25.

Live event
This meeting is organised at Noviotech Campus in Nijmegen with networking, drinks & snacks afterwards.

Good to know
Presentations are in English & the entrance is free (registration upfront is needed though). We welcome new guests, so please feel free to pass on this invitation to relevant people in your network!

The monthly meetings Science Meets Business aim to connect people and exchange knowledge in the world of science and business.

SMB-meeting; Patient-driven innovation

Date: April 20, 2023
Registration: 15:30
Program: 16:00-17:00 hrs (+ networking, drinks & bites)
Location: Noviotech Campus Nijmegen, building M, Meet&Greet area

Healthcare is a peoples business. Keeping the patient not just in the center of the attention of innovation but also as a co-driver in your development process of is of paramount importance. But still, all too often businesses forget to involve patients in the core of their innovations and pay for this mistake in the end.

Our SMB meeting of April 20 focuses on some best practices on how to involve patients.

First speaker is Erik Verkaar from Zorgbelang, an organisation helping others to involve patients in their processes. He will inform us not just how to deal with empowered patients but also patients with low health and literacy capabilities. Our second speaker, Cees Smit, is associated to Enzyre. Enzyre develops near patient diagnostics for blood coagulation. Chris will talk about the importance of developing from the perspective of how the patient will use the technology in real live.

We will conclude the event with networking, drinks & bites.

Live event
This event will be organized in a live setting at Noviotech Campus in Nijmegen (building M, Mee&Greet area). A few days before the event we will send an email with practical information on directions/parking (sender = You might have to check your spam box.

Good to know
Presentations are in English & the entrance is free (registration upfront is needed though). We welcome new guests, so please feel free to pass on this invitation to relevant people in your network!

We look forward to meet you!

The monthly meetings Science Meets Business aim to connect people and exchange knowledge in the world of science and business.

Visit Business Metropole Ruhr to Nijmegen

On 29th of March Business Metropole Ruhr brought a visit to the Nijmegen health ecosystem.

Business Metropole Ruhr is a metropole region of over 5 million people with many healthcare companies, hospitals and other care activities. As such the area is an interesting area to expand internationally due to the close proximity to Nijmegen and the high population density.

During the visit an overview was given on the activities in Nijmegen by Jan van Dellen (director Economic Board), John van Sambeek (Civic Entrepreneur Economic Board), Martijn Kriens (program manager Briskr) and Bert Krikke (director Noviotech Campus). The visit will lead to further activities to support mutual business on both sides of the border.

As a first step Business Metropole Ruhr will give a workshop on doing business in Germany and Briskr will give a workshop in Germany on how to approach the Dutch healthcare market.

Interested in internationalisation to Germany, contact

SMB-meeting: Work smarter, not harder

Date: January 26, 2023
Time: 16:00-17:00 hrs (doors open at 15:30)
Location: Meet&Greet, building M, Noviotech Campus. Transistorweg 5 Nijmegen

The problems on the healthcare labor market are huge, which is also noticeable in the Nijmegen area. Since most Dutch healthcare professionals are at the end of their tether, we need creative solutions if we want to keep healthcare sustainable in terms of cost and people.

The HAN University of Applied Sciences is convinced that regional collaboration with digital health businesses results in more creative solutions. Consequently, the impact on healthcare will be more significant.

During this session, Professor Maurice Magnée will share his vision on the future of healthcare and healthcare education. He presents several of his research projects involving VR&XR, and explains how he collaborates with local businesses and healthcare organizations.

Subsequently, one of his students will share his experiences with ‘new style’ education involving digital technologies and how this could affect his career.

At last, two regional businesses, Simulation Crew and Sync VR, present their state-of-the-art technologies for remote care and learning. They will reflect on their collaboration with the HAN and elaborate on opportunities they see for the Nijmegen ecosystem.

Good to know
Presentations are in English & the entrance is free (registration upfront is needed though). We welcome new guests, so please feel free to pass on this invitation to relevant people in your network!

We look forward to meeting you!

SMB-meeting 26 Januari 2023

The monthly meetings Science Meets Business aim to connect people and exchange knowledge in the world of science and business.


Vacature Programmamanager Health Incubator

Science meets Business (SMB) is op zoek naar een programmamanager die fungeert als dagelijks aanspeekpunt en zorg draagt voor de acquisitie, de exploitatie van de ruimtes en de inhoudelijke programma- en community ontwikkeling van de SMB Health Incubator. Ook de communicatie en de marketing van de Health Incubator en de belangrijkste regionale stakeholders zijn onderdeel van deze functie. Kom jij ons team versterken?

Als programmamanager ben je verantwoordelijk voor de volgende kernactiviteiten:

Verhuurders- en huurdersbelangen

  • Verhuren van ruimtes aan bedrijven binnen de Health Incubator.
  • Verzorgen van de financiële exploitatie van de Health Incubator.
  • Verlenen van diensten (faciliteren services) aan bestaande huurders.
  • Verder onderhouden en uitbouwen van het bestaande SMB netwerk.
  • Via business-support begeleiden van spin-off ondernemingen van Radboudumc.

Community building middels bijeenkomsten

  • De programmering richt zich op het inhoudelijk verbinden van de interne Radboudumc activiteiten met de bedrijven middels thematische SMB netwerkbijeenkomsten waarbij naast de inhoud, het netwerken en verbinden centraal staat.
  • Door het organiseren van evenementen, workshops e.d. die bijdragen aan de ontwikkeling van de Health Incubator.
  • Opzetten en onderhouden van een alumni netwerk van spin-off ondernemingen van Radboudumc.
  • (beter) Ontsluiten van kennis en informatie over beschikbare onderzoeksfaciliteiten op de campus ten behoeve van het bedrijfsleven.

Daarnaast ben je(mede)verantwoordelijk voor de volgende ondersteunende activiteiten:


  • Opstellen en levendig houden van de leadlijst van potentiële huurders (binnen een SharePoint omgeving).
  • Voeren van acquisitiegesprekken met potentiële huurders en het toepassen van relatiebeheer met bestaande leads en regionale stakeholders.
  • In het kader van “Campus Nijmegen”  opstellen, onderhouden en toepassen van een gezamenlijk afwegingskader ten aanzien van nieuwe en bestaande huurders. Met als doel om met de andere regionale campussen te komen tot een doorgroeistrategie voor bedrijven, waarbinnen voor elke bedrijfsfase van een onderneming ruimte aanwezig is binnen de Lifeport regio.

Profilering en Marketing

  • Ontwikkelen van een eigen Health Incubator profiel; o.a. door middel van uitdragen (succes) verhalen waarbij de inhoud leidend is.
  • Ontwikkelen van communicatiemateriaal ten behoeve van de SMB Health Incubator.
  • Opmaken en versturen van 2-maandelijkse nieuwsbrieven.
  • Ontwikkelen en opmaken van content voor de SMB-website.
  • Bezoeken van beurzen/conferenties.
  • Opmaken en versturen van (kennis)artikelen over het Nijmeegse ecosysteem.
  • Deze activiteiten dienen te worden geconcretiseerd in een op te stellen marketingplan waarbij de aanwezige verschillende in de regio worden benut.

Scouten & Screenen.

  • Het continu op zoek zijn naar potentiële (startup) bedrijven waarmee het Radboudumc samen werkt of kan gaan werken.
  • Voeren van intakegesprekken waarin wordt gediagnosticeerd wat de status van een startup bedrijf is en welke ondersteuning er (mogelijk) vanuit SMB/Valorisatie/Radboudumc Holding/Briskr kan worden gegeven.
  • Verzorgen (of laten verzorgen) van 1-op-1 coaching ten behoeve van spin-off bedrijven.

Meer informatie en direct solliciteren via deze link.

SMB-meeting Body-brain interaction in preventative health

Date: December 1, 2022
Time: 16:00-17:00 hrs (doors open at 15:30)
Location: Donders Institute for brain, cognition and behaviour (Trigon)

Body-brain interaction in preventative health

We all know lifestyle has a profound impact on our brain health. What you eat and drink, how much you exercise, how well you sleep, the way you socialize, and how you manage stress are all critically important to our brain health. However, in our fast-paced world we often make other decisions that are not always as healthy as we want them to be. So how can we learn from science? How can we measure critical data? And how can we actually use that to change our behaviour for the better?

This event is a co-creation of Radboud University, Health Valley and SMB and is chaired by the new ‘speerpunttrekker‘ Healthy Brain; Roshan Cools from Radboudumc & Donders Institute for Brain Cognition and Behaviour.

Healthy lifestyle, healthy body, healthy brain

A healthy lifestyle – including a healthy diet – is important for a healthy brain. Esther Aarts from Donders Institute for Brain Cognition and Behaviour will elaborate on how her team aims to elucidate the immune-brain and gut-brain mechanisms underlying these effects in humans. As a better understanding of these mechanisms will facilitate monitoring of intervention/prevention success.

Your digital twin knows you better than you know yourself

Innovative sensors like ingestible sensorpills and smart toilets can help to live a healthier life and to manage chronic diseases. Ruud van Stiphout from imec-OnePlanet will explain how they aim to build human digital twins with the focus on gut health and gut-brain related processes, in which artificial intelligence is continuously deriving health insights from sensors and can recommend lifestyle interventions on the fly.

Bringing digital health innovation to clinical practice

Bram den Teuling, Innovation Officer at Orikami will present how to bring new research and insights on digital twins and healthy lifestyle could find its way into a product and clinical practice.

Live event
This event will be organized in a live setting at Donders Institute for Brain Cognition and Behaviour in Nijmegen (Trigon building). After the program you can visit the labs nearby. A few days before the event we will send an email with practical information (sender = You might have to check your spam box.

Good to know
Presentations are in English & the entrance is free (registration upfront is needed though). We welcome new guests, so please feel free to pass on this invitation to relevant people in your network!

Parking & Directions
Donders Institute for brain, cognition and behaviour
Trigon Building, “Red room”
Kapittelweg 29
6525EN Nijmegen
More info:

Paid parking is available at the car park behind the Trigon building (access via Laan van Scheut). Parking here is limited. Alternatively, you can park in the residential area near the building. Or use public transport; bus line 9 stops near the building.

We look forward to meeting you!

SMB-meeting 1 December 2022

The monthly meetings Science Meets Business aim to connect people and exchange knowledge in the world of science and business.

SMB-meeting From Molecule to Business 2022 (cancelled)

Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, this meeting is canceled.

Date: September 22
Time: 13:30-17:00 hrs (doors open at 13:00)
Location: Meet&Greet, Building M, Novio Tech Campus

Speeding up the development process

Development of new medicines is a lengthy and laborious process. The time it takes from initial discovery of a working molecule to treating a patient is more than 10 years and more than 2,5 billion dollars. Just the clinical phase takes up more than 7 years in this process. If you are lucky… This long development and approval process is not only extremely expensive but also leads to a much slower adaptation of new treatments.

At this moment there are a lot of new approaches to speeding up the development process of new drugs. From parallelization of development, AI to select the best candidates, organs on a chip or even detailed digital twins to calculate the effects of molecules on humans before they are really applied in reality.

The Molecule2Business 2022 event will dive into new approaches to speed up the process of bringing new pharmaceuticals to the market.

With keynotes from:

Prof. Dr. Hub Zwart 
Hub Zwart is currently appointed as dean of Erasmus School of Philosophy. Hub Zwart studied philosophy (cum laude) and psychology (cum laude) at Radboud University Nijmegen, worked as research associate at the Centre for Bioethics in Maastricht (1988-1992) and defended his thesis in 1993 (cum laude). He was appointed as research director of the Centre for Ethics (Radboud University Nijmegen, 1992-2000) and in 2000 became full Professor / Chair of the Department of Philosophy at the Faculty of Science in Nijmegen. In 2018, he became Dean of ESPhil. Since 2013, he has been the chairman of the Ethical Advisory Board of the European Lead Factory.

Prof. Thijs Merkx
Prof. Thijs Merkx is chairman of the executive board of IKNL since December 2019 and professor of oral and maxillofacial oncology and oral medicine at Radboudumc since 2008. At Radboudumc, he was also chairman of the crisis policy team, chairman of the UMC Council and programme director for postgraduate education within the medical faculty. From 2013 to 2019 he was chairman of the Dutch Working Group on Head and Neck Tumors.

And parallel sessions on the state of art in the different stages of drugs development (discovery, pre-clinical, clinical and pharmacovigilance). More information / abstracts of the presentations will follow soon!


Be one of the first to register! We look forward to meeting you on September 29 at Novio Tech Campus in Nijmegen.

Live event
We expect the RIVM guidelines will allow us to host a physical meeting at Novio Tech Campus in Nijmegen with networking, drinks & snacks afterwards.

Good to know
Presentations are in English & the entrance is free (registration upfront is needed though). We welcome new guests, so please feel free to pass on this invitation to relevant people in your network!

The monthly meetings Science Meets Business aim to connect people and exchange knowledge in the world of science and business.

SMB meeting “Dare to ask”

The last Science Meets Business meeting before summer 2022 was on 23rd June. The topic of the meeting was traditionally “Dare to Ask”.

7 people pitched a question or their service to the Briskr ecosystem:

Koen Dijkstra, HCM Medical, asked for help on how to scale up production from the range of grammes to the range of kilos and will be brought in contact with someone from DSM well versed in scaling up complex production processes.

Angelo Andres, Odyssey Europe, is looking for better cooperation with educational institutions to attract students (and future employees!) and will be brought into contact with the HAN and ROC.

Other presentations from Beate Stevens, Rene Pulles, Ellen Altenburg&Rob Punselie, Martijn Kriens and Tonny Voermans all pitched their questions and ideas leading to several spontaneous support. The sheets used in the “Dare To Ask” sessions can be found here.

After the presentations and discussion there was a BBQ as a preparation for the summertimes and a band with live music. Even a short, unexpected but heavy rain shower could not spoil the atmosphere and conversation! Next SMB meeting after summer will be the Molecule2Business seminar on 29th September and the normal SMB meeting on the 3rd of November on the cross overs between health and hightech.

SMB-meeting #DareToAsk + BBQ

Date: June 23, 2022
Time: 16:00-17:00 hrs (doors open at 15:30)
Followed by: BBQ with live music outside on the green
Location: Meet&Greet, Building M, Novio Tech Campus

Nijmegen is the city of Health and High Tech with the vibe of the future! In our region we have many innovative companies working on the solutions of tomorrow. Our SMB network meeting on June 23 is dedicated to #DareToAsk! How can we help each other to become succesful? As alone you go fast, but together you go further!

During this meeting participants can pitch questions for support to our network, including our partners and supporting partners. For example questions for sales contacts, new personnel, sharing equipment, specific knowledge on contracts, design ideas. Whatever answers you need as missing pieces for your success.

So if you #DareToAsk we would like to call upon you all to send us an email to with a short description of your question and how you would like pitch it (i.e. with a banner, 1 or 2 slides or without any visual support).

And if you are #HappyToHelp and would like to attend the meeting and BBQ with live music, please register below!


15:30 hrs: doors open
16:00 hrs: start meeting
17:00 hrs: start bbq outside
19:00 hrs end meeting

Speakers are:

  • Martijn Kriens, Briskr
  • Koen Dijkstra, HCM Medical
  • Angelo Andres, Odyssey
  • Rene Pulles, GCP Service
  • Ellen Altenburg, Content Kings
  • Tonny Voermans, Biomed Elements
  • Beate Stevens, Aerocount

Live event
We expect the RIVM guidelines will allow us to host a physical meeting at Novio Tech Campus in Nijmegen with networking and a BBQ afterwards.

Good to know
Presentations are in English & the entrance is free (registration upfront is needed though). We welcome new guests, so please feel free to pass on this invitation to relevant people in your network!

We look forward to meeting you on June 23!

Registration is closed, please contact Marion on to check if you can still join.

The monthly meetings Science Meets Business aim to connect people and exchange knowledge in the world of science and business.

Website EFRO grant period 2021-2027

For the EFRO program period 2021-2027, the new website was recently put online. On this site, you can find all the current information about the program EFRO 2021-2027 for Eastern Netherlands.

In the coming period, the site will be further supplemented with information about the grant opportunities, openings, rules, budgets, news, stories from entrepreneurs/beneficiaries and information needed for progress and final reports. Keep an eye on this website if you are an entrepreneur and would like to make use of it. (Please note, the website is in Dutch)