Digital Health companies in the Nijmegen region

Health Valley has published a Digital Health Guide together with the Radboudumc, the Novio Tech Campus, the Municipality of Nijmegen and Briskr. The aim: to connect Digital Health players in the Nijmegen region and beyond! This will benefit the development and scaling up of Digital Health innovations and economic growth in the Nijmegen region.

Focus region Nijmegen
Digital Health is an important focus for the Nijmegen region, given its large healthcare sector. Over a quarter of the inhabitants have a job in healthcare. In addition, the region is home to many knowledge partners, healthcare organisations and innovative entrepreneurs who are working every day to improve healthcare with digital solutions. Digital Health ambassador for the Nijmegen region Tom van de Belt is therefore pleased with the guide’s arrival.

“The challenges facing healthcare are considerable and innovations can help us keep healthcare affordable and of good quality, now and in the future. Looking at the guide, it strikes me how much we as a region already have to offer in the area of digital health. The innovative power stands out, not only in companies but also in healthcare institutions and knowledge institutes.”

Global problem, local approach
Although the players in the field of digital health often operate internationally, there is also a need for local and regional cooperation. Van de Belt: “Developments in the field of Digital Health are rapid and you need to follow developments on a global scale, but certainly also locally. I see this guide as a calling card for the region, so that parties from here and abroad can see at a glance what we have to offer”.

Players know how to find each other
If you want to make an impact in the field of Digital Health, you need the right partners. Chris Doomernik, director of Health Valley states: “You can map out your problem and wish list for healthcare as well as you can validate your innovation, if you want to scale up you simply cannot do it alone. It is therefore important that partners from the triple helix find each other more easily. That will benefit the development and scaling up of digital health innovations and economic growth.

Click here for the guide.

Recording and slides Healthy brains for healthy work

Connecting science and business is an important aspect of the SMB meetings. And yesterday’s event was a true example! Lucy Overbeek from Healthy Brain Study informed us on the why and moreover the how of the study that started in 2017 to unrafel the brain of people in their 30’s from the Nijmegen region to understand human behavior in daily life. This unique source of data (90 Terabyte!) is used by a.o. Erik Bijleveld and his colleagues to study the impact of work on the mind, body, and brain. Erik singled out two themes for this event; Mental fatigue and Sitting behavior (‘Sitting is the new smoking’). Finally Doeska Anschutz (Founder of The Lab of Life) explained how the data from the HBS and the scientific evidence from Erik’s team has been used to develop a behaviour change training for youth and adults to increase wellbeing.

Click here for the presentations.

SMB-meeting Healthy brains for healthy work (online)

Date: December 2nd, 2021
Time: 16:00-18:00 hrs
Location: Online

Healthy Brain links science, business and public partners in the field of brain, cognition, behavior, health and disease. It covers topics like neurotechnology, artificial intelligence, behavioural change and food & cognition.
The Healthy Brain Study was set up to create a resource enabling new collaborations between scientists and private and public partners in the field of Healthy Brain. It enables insight into social, biological and environmental factors that influence for example stress resilience and decision making. With these insights successful tools or interventions can be developed.
In this SMB meeting we will discuss how the Healthy Brain Study resource helps scientists and companies to achieve healthy work. How do people change unhealthy work behavior? How do they adapt sitting patterns and mental work load?
You will also learn how scientists and companies in the field of healthy work can access and exploit the Healthy Brain Study resource. And who you should contact if you wish to get access to this unique resource yourself.
Lucy Overbeek, project manager of the Healthy Brain Study will explain the study resource, it’s potential and availability for science and business.
Erik Bijleveld from the Behavioural Science Insitute of Radboud University will talk about how he uses the Healthy Brain Study resource to study the human mind at work.
Doeschka Anschutz from The Lab of Life will talk about their behaviour change training based on scientific evidence from the Behavioural Science Institute.
Online event
Due to the recent corona outbreak we have converted this meeting to an online webinar.
Good to know
Presentations are in English & the entrance is free (registration upfront is needed though). We welcome new guests, so please feel free to pass on this invitation to relevant people in your network!
We look forward to meeting you!
Registration is closed, click here to join the webinar:
Passcode: 02122021 (=event date)
The monthly meetings Science Meets Business aim to connect people and exchange knowledge in the world of science and business.

Nederland moet Valorisatie-hotspot van Europa worden

Kennisinstellingen komen met nieuw plan om impact te vergroten

Nederland moet de Valorisatie-hotspot van Europa worden. Deze ambitie hebben de Nederlandse universiteiten, universitair medisch centra en TNO. Samen lanceren de kennisinstellingen op 1 november een plan om het nationaal valorisatie-ecosysteem te versterken. Het doel: in 2030 een valorisatiesysteem dat tot de absolute wereldtop behoort. VSNU-voorzitter Pieter Duisenberg: “De samenleving, het bedrijfsleven, studenten en wetenschappers willen steeds vaker wetenschappelijke kennis in de praktijk brengen. Het huidige ecosysteem voor deze valorisatie is te klein om die vraag aan te kunnen. Daarom zetten we samen de volgende stap zodat investeringen in kennis en innovatie nog meer opleveren voor Nederland.”

Kennis en innovatie als antwoord op de maatschappelijke uitdagingen

De maatschappelijke uitdagingen waar Nederland, Europa en de wereld voor staan kunnen niet opgelost worden zonder wetenschappelijke kennis en innovatie. Een sterk nationaal valorisatie-ecosysteem versnelt het in de praktijk brengen van de oplossingen die de wetenschap biedt. Iedere euro die de overheid investeert in kennis en innovatie levert vier euro op. Dat gaat niet vanzelf. Een sterk valorisatie-ecosysteem waarin kennisinstellingen en het bedrijfsleven intensief samenwerken, zorgt dat wetenschappelijke kennis daadwerkelijk en snel gebruikt kan worden voor onze toekomst.

Naar een valorisatie-ecosysteem met een stevig fundament

Met de juiste keuzes kan Nederland in de tweede helft van het decennium niet alleen tot de Europese top behoren, maar zelfs dé valorisatie-hotspot van Europa worden. Margriet Schneider, voorzitter NFU: “In 2030 moet Nederland een nationaal valorisatie-ecosysteem hebben dat zich kan meten met de wereldtop. Doordat Nederland een relatief klein land is met een centrale ligging, wetenschap van wereldklasse en een uitstekende infrastructuur, hebben wij een enorme potentie. Die potentie willen we verzilveren.” De Nederlandse kennisinstellingen stellen de volgende drie doelen voor om in 2030 de valorisatie-hotspot van Europa te worden:

1.    Een landelijk Knowledge Transfer (KT) systeem van wereldklasse. De Knowledge Transfer Offices (KTO’s), die wetenschappers ondersteunen bij valorisatie gaan internationale best practices in kaart brengen en in Nederland invoeren. In het landelijke KT-systeem werken kennisinstellingen samen aan expertise, opleiding en training en maken zij een heldere taakverdeling om maatschappelijk uitdagingen rond bijvoorbeeld veiligheid, zorg en duurzaamheid effectief aan te pakken.

2.    Samenwerking binnen het ecosysteem versterken. Intensievere samenwerking tussen kennisinstellingen, investeerders en bedrijven om startups te ondersteunen, met uniforme richtlijnen over intellectueel eigendom.

3.    Samen gericht uitbreiden van de KTO-capaciteit. Versterken van de ondernemende cultuur binnen de wetenschap en, met alle kennisinstellingen gezamenlijk, het screenen, scouten en ondersteunen van spin-outs op basis van valoriseerbare kennis.

Uiteindelijk zorgen deze acties niet alleen voor een beter valorisatie-ecosysteem. Het verbetert het vestigingsklimaat van Nederland, maakt ons land aantrekkelijker voor ondernemend en onderzoekend talent én bestaande investeringen zoals het Nationaal Groeifonds krijgen een grotere impact.

Hoe nu verder

In het vandaag gepresenteerde plan stellen VSNU, NFU en TO2 een 7-jarige regeling voor. In deze periode kan de bestaande basis verder worden uitgebouwd. Allereerst zal worden nagegaan welke concrete versterkingen, kwaliteitsimpulsen en interventies nodig zijn. Tegelijkertijd worden kennisinstellingen, regio’s en partners gevraagd hun valorisatieambities concreet te maken. De komende jaren zullen de VSNU, NFU en TO2 volgens het plan jaarlijks de activiteiten en resultaten van het valorisatie-ecosysteem monitoren en daarover rapporteren. Maandag 1 november wordt het plan aangeboden aan Focco Vijselaar, directeur-generaal Bedrijfsleven en Innovatie van het ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat.

Research Integrity Round: The challenges of collaboration with profit and non-profit organisations

Working in a commercial context as an academically trained scientist offers many interesting opportunities, but it also has important challenges. How is it like to work at a pharmaceutical company as a (bio)medical scientist? A trustworthy reputation is key for commercial companies working in the domain of healthcare. How do such companies safeguard the quality and integrity of their research?
Many scientists working at university collaborate with commercial partners, for example by having their research project or clinical trial co-financed by companies. Or, they work in a project on behalf of a non-profit organisation like the government. On the one hand, such collaboration enables research and research implementation that wouldn’t be possible at all otherwise. On the other hand, the scientists’ hallmark of being independent and impartial may be thwarted in case of conflicts of interest.
Some researchers combine two roles, they are both academic scientist and entrepreneur. Being a researcher with a double hat may be inspiring and motivating but perhaps also tricky?

During the second Radboudumc Research Integrity Round (RIR#2) of this academic year, we explore the challenges of working in a commercial context, and collaboration with profit and non-profit partners. We have three guests that will introduce us into their world and working fields. Questions like the ones above will be discussed and you will have the opportunity to fire your questions at them about the challenges of collaboration with profit and non-profit organisations as well.

Our first guest is Tanya Sluyter, Head of Ethics, Risk & Compliance for Novartis Pharma B.V. in the Netherlands. Tanya has a MA in Biomedical Science and can tell us everything about how a large international pharmaceutical company aims to combine the ambitions of doing business successfully and safeguarding the quality and integrity of its research and business practices.

Our second guest is prof. dr. Carel Hoyng. He is professor of Ophthalmology at Radboudumc and a passionate researcher who often collaborates with profit organisations like Novartis. At the same time he is also entrepreneur. In his view, the scientist and entrepreneur share the passion for enterprising and the two may be mutually strengthening. How does he combine his two roles? How does he balance between the positive outcomes of such collaborations and entrepreneurship and the possible risks of conflicts of interests?

Our last guest is prof. dr. Lex Bouter, former rector of the VU University of Amsterdam and currently professor of Methodology and Integrity. Trained originally as medical biologist, and having been professor in Epidemiology, he specialised in research and teaching about research integrity. He was one of the co-writers of the Dutch code of research integrity and is currently chair of the  World Conferences on Research Integrity Foundation. What are his views on the challenges of collaboration with profit and non-profit organisations?

Time and location
Wednesday 1 December 2021 16:00 – 17:30 hrs
The meeting will be a webinar. The webinar link will be sent to you after registration.

Registration is required. Please register via

Target group
We invite all master students, junior and senior researchers and other staff members to attend this event and join the discussion.

Please note that PhD candidates can add the Research Integrity Rounds to their Training and Supervision Plan.

SMB-meeting Health & High Tech cross-overs

Date: November 4th, 2021
Registration: 15:30
Location: Novio Tech Campus Nijmegen, building M, Meet&Greet area (Directions)
Nijmegen is the city of healthcare and High Tech. In many cases these are quite separate worlds. Healthcare is about care, drugs discovery, medical devices etc. and High Tech in Nijmegen is about chip production for sectors like automotive.
But there certainly is also an important cross-over between these sectors where technologies from the semiconductor industry are used in healthcare. For example in lab-on-a-chip  and organs-on-a-chip development, diagnostics through photonics and hyperthermia treatment trough radio frequencies.
In this SMB meeting we have rounded up a group of companies and researchers who address precisely these types of cross-overs.
Hans van Bokhoven from Radboudumc will talk about the development of organs-on-a-chip that will influence treatment options and drug development.
Klaus Werner from PinkRF will talk about the potential of RF technologies in the treatment of cancer through hyperthermia.
Waander van Heerde from Enzyre will talk about their development to determine blood clotting factors with lab-on-a-chip technology.
And Peter Harmsma from Delta Diagnostics will explain how they use photonics for health diagnostics.
Hybrid event
We expect the RIVM guidelines will allow us to host a physical meeting at Novio Tech Campus in Nijmegen with networking/drinks/snacks afterwards. The event will be streamed online as well. 
Good to know
Presentations are in English & the entrance is free (registration upfront is needed though). We welcome new guests, so please feel free to pass on this invitation to relevant people in your network!
We look forward to meeting you!

Click here to register

The monthly meetings Science Meets Business aim to connect people and exchange knowledge in the world of science and business.

Presentations From Molecule to Business

On 30 September we organised the annual From Molecule to Business meeting at Pivot Park with the theme: Drug Discovery re-invented!

We discussed the importance of new techniques like novel #RNAtechniques#nanotechnology and #crisprcas9. These techniques increasingly allow us to design molecules with a pre-determined function & use instead of time consuming trial & error.

Together with Health ValleyBriskrHealth~Holland and Pivot Park.

The presentations are now online via this link.

From Molecule to Business; Drug Discovery re-invented!

Date: September 30th, 2021
Time: 13:30-17:00 hrs (doors open at 13:00)
Location: Pivot Park, Oss
The Covid-pandemic has shown that the development of new techniques are important for drug discovery. A good example is the recent development of RNA-based vaccine. But every few years a fundamentally new technique will be on the market to improve discovery and development. In this years edition of the From Molecule to Business event we will discuss the re-invention of drug discovery
Chair: Christian van Munster (HCM Medical)
Key notes:
Anneke Post (ROCHE); Genomic profiling
Ruud Couwmans (Byondis); Antibody-Drug Conjugates: Guided Missiles in the Fight Against Cancer
Novel Techniques
During this round table discussion we will address the importance of new techniques like novel RNA techniques, Nano technologies and CRISPR Cas. These techniques increasingly allow us to design molecules with a pre-determined function & use instead of time consuming trial & error.
Host: Christian van Munster (HCM Medical).
Confirmed names: Rut Besseling (InProcessLSP), Sander van Asbeck (RIBOPRO) and Rick Wansink (Radboudumc)
Novel Technologies
Jos Oomen from HFML/FELIX will explain how with advanced technologies we are able to determine the precise structure of molecular structures of for example biomarkers and how this data can be used to optimise drugs discovery. Venture Challenge winner Fall 2019 BIMINI Biotech (Maurits van den Nieuwboer) will explain their novel approach to limit the growth of cancer cells.
Hybrid event
We expect the RIVM guidelines will allow us to host a physical meeting at Pivot Park in Oss with networking/drinks/snacks afterwards. The event will be streamed online as well. We will wait for the latest update from the upcoming press conference on September 20 and will contact you afterwards to check your preference (live/online).
Good to know
Presentations are in English & the entrance is free (registration upfront is needed though). We welcome new guests, so please feel free to pass on this invitation to relevant people in your network!
We look forward to meeting you!

This event is powered by Health~Holland, Top Sector Life Sciences & Health.

Registration is closed, but you can join the event online. Please click the link below:

Login link
Passcode: 30092021 (=event date)
The monthly meetings Science Meets Business aim to connect people and exchange knowledge in the world of science and business.

New start-up Patholyt will bring AI research into pathology diagnostics

Patholyt is on a mission to accelerate the adoption of artificial intelligence in pathology diagnostics and improve the chances of cancer patients worldwide. Patholyt is a spin-off from Radboudumc, a frontrunner in computational pathology research.

Pathology is pivotal in the diagnostic process of many diseases such as cancer. For more than 100 years pathologists have been using the optical microscope for tissue examination. The field of pathology is now challenged by the world’s shortage of pathologists, and the growing requirements for efficiency and consistent quality.

A revolution in the field

Recent progress in artificial intelligence, imaging, and high-performance computing has unlocked a revolution in the field: AI-powered Computational Pathology. Patholyt will bring research algorithms into clinical practice to both speed up and improve the quality of pathology diagnostics.

Read more at the website of Radboudumc.

Groot AI-project ontvangt ruim 95 miljoen voor 10 jaar publiek-privaat onderzoek.

Radboudumc met medische AI belangrijke kartrekker in het project.

NWO gaat twee consortia financieren met een looptijd van tien jaar. Het Radboudumc neemt deel aan het ROBUST-consortium, dat bestaat uit 17 AI-labs waarvan er 8 zijn gericht op de gezondheidszorg. Het Radboudumc leidt 5 van deze 8 labs. “Een unieke kans om onze internationale toppositie in AI voor de gezondheidszorg in Nijmegen verder uit te bouwen”, zegt Bram van Ginneken, hoogleraar AI in het Radboudumc.

Lees meer op de website van Radboudumc.