SMB network meeting Transforming ‘elderly’ care together recap

Last Thursday we organized the SMB- network meeting “Transforming (elderly) care together,” aimed at addressing the growing crisis in healthcare due to an aging population and a diminishing pool of young healthcare workers.

A comprehensive transformation of care is necessary, which requires collaboration across multiple sectors. We need cutting-edge living and care models that enhance independence and use informal care networks to not only solve the housing & healthcare problem, but also the growing loneliness amongst elderly.

A key focus of the meeting was the discussion on several regional actions designed to fundamentally improve (elderly) care, including the introduction of the Digital Health Challenge Lab (DHCL) and a moonshot project for the region.

By collecting the challenges in healthcare, companies are encouraged to develop innovative products and services that meet actual demand and support, thus together transforming challenges into business opportunities.

Thank you to our speakers Caroline Vos – Tolhuisen from Volkshuisvesting Arnhem Ciska Rouw from RIBW Arnhem & Veluwe Vallei and Maurice Magnee from HAN University of Applied Sciences.

After the plenary session we enjoyed the networking, drinks & bites.

Please click here for the presentations.

SMB network meeting Transforming (elderly) care together

Date: February 29, 2024
Registration: 15:30
Program: 16:00-17:00 hrs (+ networking, drinks & bites)
Location: Noviotech Campus Nijmegen, building M, Meet&Greet area

Healthcare is on the brink of a crisis. Without intervention the number of people working in healthcare would grow from 1 in 7 employees to 1 in 4, straining our labor market to its limits. The main cause is the ageing society and a shrinking pool of young healthcare workers.

You can also say we’re facing a potential, especially in (elderly)  care. It’s time for innovative solutions! Technology can support this. However, we won’t solve the labor market problems with more innovative technology alone. A transformation of care is needed and this cannot be done from 1 sector alone. We also need cutting-edge living and care models that boost independence and harness the power of informal care. To succeed, it is necessary to pair up with all parties active in in the field of health care and the living environment.

During this SMB meeting we will discuss several regional actions to fundamentally improve elderly care including the digital health challenge lab (DHCL).

In DHCL the frustrations and desires (challenges) of residents, housing associations, healthcare professionals, healthcare organizations around their (own) health, healthcare supply and the healthcare process are collected, answered and solved. On the basis of these challenges, companies can specifically develop innovative products and/or services for which there is actual demand and support. After all, a challenge is a problem with a business case!

Speakers are:

Caroline Vos – Tolhuisen, Volkshuisvesting Arnhem
Ciska Rouw, RIBW Arnhem & Veluwe Vallei
Maurice Magnee, HAN University of Applied Sciences

Live event
This event will be organized in a live setting at Noviotech Campus in Nijmegen (building M, Meet&Greet area). A few days before the event we will send an email with practical information on directions/parking (sender = You might have to check your spam box.

Good to know
Presentations are in English & the entrance is free (registration upfront is needed though). We welcome new guests, so please feel free to pass on this invitation to relevant people in your network!

We look forward to meet you!

Please register upfront:

Look back on SMB-meeting Health and Hightech crossovers November 2

The SMB-meeting on November 2, 2023 at Noviotech Campus Nijmegen brought together professionals and enthusiastic scientists interested in the convergence of health and high-tech. The event aimed to highlight the innovative ways in which technology can benefit healthcare, focusing on the use of photonics in diagnostics, 3D printing in tissue engineering, and novel sensor technologies.

We started with presentations from two pioneering companies; Surfixdx and Ourobionics showcasing their groundbreaking technologies that bridge the gap between health and high-tech.

Surfixdx presented their photonics sensor and assay technology, designed to detect specific biomarkers, particularly in relation to cancer screening. This innovation has the potential to enhance early diagnosis and monitoring of various medical conditions, including cancer, through non-invasive and highly accurate methods.

Ourobionics demonstrated how they utilize 3D printing to create bioengineered skin tissue, which can serve as models in medical testing, thus reducing the need for animal testing. This approach has the potential to revolutionize the field of medical research and development while also addressing ethical concerns.

In addition to these presentations, a valuable addition to the event was Joost Huiskens, Chief Medical Information Officer at Microsoft NL. Mr. Huiskens shared insights on how AI, particularly ChatGPT, can be leveraged to accelerate research and innovations in healthcare. He discussed the potential of ChatGPT in various aspects of medical research, from natural language processing for clinical documentation to aiding in data analysis for medical studies as well as the challenges.

Furthermore, Mr. Huiskens emphasized Microsoft’s role in facilitating these advancements. Microsoft is well-positioned to provide the technological infrastructure, tools, and expertise necessary to support the integration of AI and high-tech solutions in the healthcare sector.

The networking after the program provided an excellent opportunity for professionals to exchange ideas, forge collaborations, and explore new possibilities for innovation and advancement in both industries.

Despite the stormy weather, the event has been a great success, and it’s encouraging to see how these crossovers between health and high-tech can lead to promising advancements in medical science and technology.

SMB-meeting Health & Hightech cross-overs

Date: november 2, 2023
Registration: 15:30
Program: 16:00-17:00 hrs (+ networking, drinks & bites)
Location: Noviotech Campus Nijmegen, building M, Meet&Greet area

Nijmegen is the city of Health and Hightech. Of course in many cases these are seperate sectors but in some cases they strengthen each other. Hightech  has a lot of new potential for healthcare by using photonics in diagnostics, organ on a chip models and lab on a chip test.

Our SMB-network meeting on 2nd of November will show some interesting examples of the crossover between Health and Hightech. creates bio engineered skin tissue through a 3D printing technique that can be used as models in testing leading fewer animal testing. created a photonics sensor and assay to detect specific biomarkers, for example in relation to testing for cancer.

Surfixdx and Ourobionics will give a presentation on their technology during the meeting. After the program there is ample opportunity to network and create net links between the health and the hightech sector.

Live event
This event will be organized in a live setting at Noviotech Campus in Nijmegen (building M, Meet&Greet area). A few days before the event we will send an email with practical information on directions/parking (sender = You might have to check your spam box.

Good to know
Presentations are in English & the entrance is free (registration upfront is needed though). We welcome new guests, so please feel free to pass on this invitation to relevant people in your network!

We look forward to meet you!

Please register upfront:

Derde Radboudumc Investment Day opnieuw druk bezocht

Derde Radboudumc Investment Day opnieuw druk bezocht

Op 12 oktober vond voor de derde keer de Radboudumc Investment Day plaats. Wetenschappers, ondernemers en investeerders uit de life sciences & health sector kwamen bij elkaar in het Radboudumc Experience om kennis uit te wisselen, te netwerken en te praten over nieuwe samenwerkingen.

Het evenement werd gezamenlijk georganiseerd door Briskr, Oost NL, Radboudumc en Radboud Universiteit. CFO Mark Janssen opende het evenement als gastheer namens Radboudumc. “Als Radboudumc willen wij een significant impact on health en healthcare hebben. Dat kunnen we niet alleen; dat doen we samen met ondernemers en investeerders. We hopen dus ook op deze dag dat er veel nieuwe connecties worden gelegd en nieuwe ideeën ontstaan, die uiteindelijk tot waardevolle verbeteringen leiden voor patiënten en de maatschappij.”

Hoge opkomst

Het animo voor het evenement was groot. Er waren bijna 200 deelnemers aanwezig, zo’n 60% meer dan bij de vorige editie. Alle doelgroepen waren ook ruim vertegenwoordigd. Naast presentaties van experts uit het veld konden de deelnemers dit jaar ook productdemonstraties bekijken van negen innovatieve ondernemers.

De keynote speaker dit jaar was Nettie Buitelaar, CEO van Biotech Booster. Zij raakte een snaar bij het publiek met de observatie dat Nederland goed scoort bij wetenschappelijke kennisontwikkeling en patentaanvragen in de biotechsector, maar onderaan bungelt als het gaat om het vertalen van die kennis naar succesvolle producten en bedrijven. Het Biotech Booster-programma hoopt dat laatste te gaan verhelpen.

Tussendoor maakten veel deelnemers gebruik van de mogelijkheid om 1-op-1 gesprekken te hebben, die van te voren en tijdens het evenement ingepland konden worden via een matching tool. Eén van de aanwezigen, CEO Hans Platteeuw van Galenicap, had zelfs al een succesverhaal te melden: “Ik ben vorig jaar op dit evenement mijn investeerder tegenkomen. Nu ben ik hier om zelf te kijken of ik andere mensen verder kan helpen met hun idee.”

Lars Boogaard wint postercompetitie

De Investment Day kende dit jaar voor het eerst een postercompetitie. De inzendingen werden niet alleen op hun wetenschappelijke kwaliteit beoordeeld, maar ook op hun potentieel uiteindelijk tot een succesvol product uit te groeien. Promovendus Lars Boogaard won de competitie met zijn concept voor een aanpasbaar pessarium dat door gebruikers zelf in de juiste vorm te brengen is. Hij ontving een stimulatieprijs van 2500 euro voor zijn idee.

Brug slaan tussen wetenschap en ondernemerschap

Dagvoorzitter Martijn Kriens, programmamanager bij Briskr en mede-initiatiefnemer van het evenement, benadrukte bij de afsluitende paneldiscussie nogmaals het belang van goed contact tussen alle drie de doelgroepen.

“Sommige investeerders doen niets anders dan honderden businessplannen lezen die ze opgestuurd krijgen, in de hoop dat er een keer iets goeds tussen zit. En sommige wetenschappers produceren in hun leven honderden peer-reviewed artikelen, zonder dat er ooit in de praktijk iets met hun kennis wordt gedaan. Mijn hoop is dat zij vaker én eerder met elkaar in gesprek gaan, zodat ze elkaar beter gaan begrijpen en in afstemming met elkaar toewerken naar impact op onze maatschappij, ook in de periode tussen de evenementen door, want een nieuwe datum is reeds gepland; woensdag 9 oktober 2024.”

Radboudumc Investment Day

Join the Radboudumc Investment Day

Get ready for the third edition of Radboudumc Investment Day 2023 on October 12 in Nijmegen! Jointly organized by Radboudumc, Radboud University, Briskr and Oost NL, the Investment Day is a matchmaking event for investors, entrepreneurs and top researchers in the life sciences & health domain. It is a unique opportunity to gain new business contacts and talk about the potential societal value of research with industry experts.

Our main goal for the event is matchmaking and networking. We offer several parallel sessions from top researchers, promising startups and investors. This will allow participants to pick & mix presentations to their liking and reserve time for targeted 1-to-1 meetings in between and during the program.

Feel free to check out the poster presentations from promising PhD’s and inspiring product displays from various entrepreneurs during the breaks.

Click here for an impression of last year’s edition.

The Investment Day will take place at the Radboudumc Experience Center from 13.00h to 17.30h, with optional dinner and networking afterwards. To ensure a good balance between the three target audiences, the event is invite only. If you’re interested in participating, please send an email to to receive further information.

Briskr, Oost NL, Radboudumc & Radboud University.

Only 4 days to go until the Radboudumc Investment Day!

We are enthusiastically counting down the days, because we are looking forward to it and we are ready for it: the Radboudumc Investment Day! This day, jointly organized by Radboudumc, Radboud University, Briskr and Oost NL, is a matchmaking event for investors, entrepreneurs and top researchers in life sciences & health.

Please find the final details of the program below:

Full house

More than 150 people registered for the event, again a significant increase from last year. We see a nice mix of investors, scientists and entrepreneurs on the guest list, so it will be a good day for making new contacts and talk to experts in the field about the potential societal value of research.

Our speakers

Nettie Buitelaar, CEO Biotech Booster, will be providing the keynote. In addition, sessions will be hosted by:

Maroeska Rovers – Professor of Medical Technology and Innovation, Radboudumc and Scientific Director Techmed Center, University of Twente
Nico Verdonschot – Professor in orthopedic biomechanics, Radboudumc / University of Twente
Rutger Tulleken – CEO, AMT Medical
Tony van Tienen MD, PhD – Chief Medical Officer, Atro Medical
Margret Huenerbein – CEO, Bilihome
Jaap De Bruin – Investment Manager, BioGeneration Ventures
Bert-Arjan Millenaar – Founder & CEO, NLC
Patrick de Boer – CEO, Aiosyn
Erik Storkebaum – Scientific Director, Donders Center for Neuroscience
Henri Theunissen – CEO & Co-founder, Simmunext Biotherapeutics
Johan Pijnenborg – CEO & Co-founder, GlycoTherapeutics

Innovative products

9 promising start-ups will demonstrate their products on the venue floor: Aiosyn (AI for pathology), AMT Medical (heart bypass surgery), ATRO Medical (meniscus prosthesis), Bilihome (wearable jaundice therapy), Exolumen (augmented reality for surgery), HapticLink (human-machine interaction), Ourobionics (bioprinter for artificial skin), Proparents (platform for inclusive employment) and Zereau (toilet filter for nuclear medicine).

Poster competition

8 (duos of) scientists will give a poster presentation during the program: Annelies Wauters & Roel Hammink, Maria Landinez Macias, Loran Knol & Charlotte Fraza, Rob Meuwse, Lars Boogaard, Nico Verdonkschot, Vincent Stirler and Richard ten Broek. De winnaar will be announced during the plenary closing and will win €2,500 for further research.


The event will take place at the Radboudumc Experience Center from 1 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., followed by the opportunity for dinner and networking. To maintain a good balance between the three target groups, the event is invite only. If you are interested, please email for more information.

If you are signed up for the event, don’t forget to send your invitations for one-on-one meetings and check that you have received invitations yourself. You will have received more information about this by email.

We look forward to seeing you on Oct. 12!

Recap SMB-meeting June 29

Connecting science and business is an important aspect of the SMB-meeting on June 29. We look back on a successful event with good pitches, good food, good music and a fabulous crowd!

Here’s a short recap of the questions from our pitchers:

Martijn Kriens, Briskr asked what the Briskr team could do to improve. Which workshops are lacking? What issues you need help with?

Joey Michorius from Avivia proposed to partner up for business fairs and events to enhance each other and share costs. And offered to share equipment.

Nando ZieverinkEnzyre B.V. enquired for tips on failing freezers and is looking for tenants at NTC who can offer back-up or would like to partner up to acquire a back-up freezer.

Tim Govers from Medip Analytics asked for advice on a commercial launching strategy (or what not to do) for their (prostate) platform in Q4, 2023. And how to enter the US / Asian markets.

Joost KoelegaEPR Partner offered to make it together. EPR focuses on devices that need electronics that are not standard, but are developed for scale-up production at a later stage.

Frank Walboomers from HCM Regulate informed us about a new cooperation between HCM Medical and Radboudumc Dental unit and explained which services are offered.

Celien van Lochem and Gert de Boer from Qserve Group promoted their services & their upcoming conference and offered a nice discount for the Briskr network.

Sandra de VosVosfox Medical informed us about their low volume production of components & (medical) devices in Amersfoort and informed if the audience knew suitable customers.

Marco De Boer (Ph.D., MBA) from Predica Diagnostics BV that wants to improve the prevention & treatment of cancer asked for tips&tricks on how to access the US market.

Oliver MaiwaldSencio BV (packaging of electronics) was looking for tips on how to change the mindset from made in China to made in Europe!

Should you wish to review the slide decks from our presenters, you can view them via this link (scroll down the page and click on the presentation of your liking under June 29, 2023).

SMB-networkmeeting #DareToAsk and BBQ

Date: June 29, 2023
Time: 16:00-17:00 hrs (doors open at 15:30)
Followed by: BBQ with music outside on the green
Location: Meet&Greet, Building M, Noviotech Campus

Step into the future and be part of the change in Nijmegen, the city of Health and High Tech! Our region is teeming with innovative companies diligently crafting tomorrow’s solutions. On June 29, we’re inviting you to our SMB network meeting, where we’re encouraging you to #DareToAsk. Let’s help one another reach new heights of success – remember, we move faster alone, but together we journey farther.

The floor is yours during this network meeting! It’s your chance to share your queries and seek support from our vast network, including our trusted partners and supporting allies. Need sales contacts, fresh recruits, equipment sharing, contract specifics, or innovative design ideas? We’re here to provide the answers and help fill the gaps on your journey to success.

So, are you ready to #DareToAsk? We’re eagerly waiting for you to take this daring step. Send us your queries at, along with a brief description of how you’d like to present it – via a banner, a couple of slides, or simply word-of-mouth.

And if you are #HappyToHelp and would like to attend the network meeting and BBQ with live music, please register below!


15:30 hrs: doors open
16:00 hrs: start meeting
17:00 hrs: start bbq outside
19:00 hrs end meeting

Speakers are:

  • Martijn Kriens, Briskr: Help us improve to improve you!
  • Joey Michorius, Avivia: Who wants to partner up with us for business fairs and events?
  • Nando Zieverink, Enzyre: Help, my freezer is failing!
  • Joost Koelega, EPR Partner: Shall we make it together?
  • Frank Walboomers, HCM Regulate: What can HCM Regulate do for you?
  • Stan Wijn, Medip Analytics: Get ready for the launch! Pick up the phone?
  • Marco de Boer, Predica Diagnostics: How to access the US market?
  • Sandra de Vos, Vosfox Medical: Do you know potential customers for Vosfox Medical in your network?
  • Oliver Maiwald, Sencio
  • Celien van Lochem, QServe Group

Live event

We organise this network meeting at Noviotech Campus in Nijmegen with a BBQ afterwards.

Good to know
Presentations are in English & the entrance is free (registration upfront is needed though). We welcome new guests, so please feel free to pass on this invitation to relevant people in your network!

We look forward to meeting you on June 29!

The monthly meetings Science Meets Business aim to connect people and exchange knowledge in the world of science and business.

SMB-meeting From Molecule to Business 2023

Date: May 25
Time: 13:30-17:00 hrs (doors open at 13:00)
Location: Meet&Greet, Building M, Noviotech Campus

Speeding up the development process

Development of new medicines is a lengthy and laborious process. The time it takes from initial discovery of a working molecule to treating a patient is more than 10 years and more than 2,5 billion dollars. Just the clinical phase takes up more than 7 years in this process. If you are lucky… This long development and approval process is not only extremely expensive but also leads to a much slower adaptation of new treatments.

At this moment there are a lot of new approaches to speeding up the development process of new drugs. From parallelization of development, AI to select the best candidates, organs on a chip or even detailed digital twins to calculate the effects of molecules on humans before they are really applied in reality.

The Molecule2Business 2023 event will dive into new approaches to speed up the process of bringing new pharmaceuticals to the market.

With keynotes from:
Nettie Buitelaar, director of Biotech Booster and Friso Smit, director of Oncode-PACT foundation. And parallel sessions on the state of art in the different stages of drug development (discovery, pre-clinical, and clinical).

We look forward to meeting you on May 25.

Live event
This meeting is organised at Noviotech Campus in Nijmegen with networking, drinks & snacks afterwards.

Good to know
Presentations are in English & the entrance is free (registration upfront is needed though). We welcome new guests, so please feel free to pass on this invitation to relevant people in your network!

The monthly meetings Science Meets Business aim to connect people and exchange knowledge in the world of science and business.